
Setting Version Number in TFS

Yet another TFS post! Is it because I believe that TFS is the cat’s meow and that you should all run out an buy it right now? Not so much but it is starting to grow on me and I can admit that building .net projects building it is okay. There is really a need for a collection of workflow tasks and some better generic templates. I’m going to see if I can convince my boss to let me open source some of the stuff I’m building for running NUnit tests and the such.

One thing which is missing from TFS is the ability to embed build information in the binaries which are built. I always like this because it is easy to get clients to right click on a file and tell you the version number which will give you an idea as to where to start looking at their problem. The version numbers in .net builds are set using attributes which are commonly defined in Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs. The quickest solution is to update the .cs files before running the compilation step of the build. To do this I created a new task to plug into the windows workflow process that is run during a build in TFS2010. Funnily enough Jim Lamb used setting the build numbers as his example for creating a custom TFS task.

I started with the project he provided and made changes to it because my build numbers are slightly different from his. Jim uses the date as the build number, that’s reasonable but I want to know the exact changeset. I also changed what was passed into and out of the task. It made sense to me to pass in the IBuildDetails object rather than trying to couple task together to get out of the object what I wanted.

First change the in argument to BuildDetail

public InArgument BuildDetail

Then the execute to set up all the fields I want

protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
String filePath = FilePath.Get(context);

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
throw new ArgumentException( “Specify a path to replace text in”, “FilePath”);

if (!File.Exists(filePath))
throw new FileNotFoundException(“File not found”, filePath);

IBuildDetail buildDetail = BuildDetail.Get(context);
if (buildDetail == null)
throw new ArgumentException(“Specify the build detail”, “BuildDetail”);

// ensure that the file is writeable
FileAttributes fileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(filePath);
File.SetAttributes(filePath, fileAttributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

string contents = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

contents = SetAssemblyConfigurationString(contents, buildDetail.BuildNumber);
contents = SetVersionNumberString(contents, buildDetail.SourceGetVersion);
contents = SetVersionFileNumberString(contents, buildDetail.SourceGetVersion);
contents = SetAssemblyCopyrightString(contents);

File.WriteAllText(filePath, contents);

// restore the file’s original attributes
File.SetAttributes(filePath, fileAttributes);

Slap it into the workflow, set the properties and you’re good to go. I put my task after Get Workspace in a branched version of the default workflow.

One additional thing to remember is that you need to check a compiled version of your task into TFS somewhere and point the build controller at the location. Thanks to this all the binaries which come out of my build are stamped properly.


Web Deployment in TFS Build

I have been working the last couple of days on doing web deployment as part of one of my TFS builds. There are quite a few posts out there on how to do it and so far every last one of them is wrong. Technically they are fine, doing what they say will for sure deploy a package to your webserver*. However they fail to grasp the deploy only on successful build model. Why would I want to deploy something to a webserver which I had tests proving it didn’t work? All that is gonna get you is trouble, and I have enough trouble around these parts. In order to get the behaviour I wanted I needed to edit the build workflow.

First step is get your build to produce the zip file and other files associated with deployment. To do that you need only add

/p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true /p:DeployOnBuild=true

to the MSBuildArgumetns in your build definition. Here is a picture because it makes this post look longer and easier to follow:
Woo, picture!

Next I branched an existing build template. These templates are located, by default, in BuildProcessTemplates folder at the root of your TFS project. You can put them anywhere you want, however, and you might want to put them in the same directory as your solution files, just to keep them spatially proximal. You want to branch rather than creating a new one because the default template is amazingly complex and recreating it would be painful. The default workflow is actually pretty reasonable and I have only minor quibbles with how it is put together.

Next we’re going to to add some new parameters to the build so that people can easily configure the deployment from the build definition. To do this open up your newly branched template and click on arguments. I have yet to figure out how you can put these arguments into categories from the UI but from the XML it is pretty easy. I don’t care enough to put things into categories at this time, although it probably took me longer to write this sentence about not caring than it would have taken to just do it.

As you can see I added 6 new properties

  • PerformDeploy ““ A boolean which denotes if we should attempt a deploy at all. This keeps our project generic so it can be used on anything.
  • DeploymentURL ““ The URL to which the deployment should run. I’m stuck on IIS6 so this is the MSDeployAgentService URL
  • DeploymentUserName ““ The username to use during the deploy
  • DeploymentPassword ““ The password to use during the deploy. You might want to be more creative about how you get your password to comply with whatever rules exist at your site.
  • DeploymentApplicationPath ““ The path in IIS to which deployment should be run
  • DeploymentCommand ““ The name of the *deploy.cmd file to run. This should

Now for the fun part: adding the new workflow item. If you have a slow computer, say anything slower than the computer from Voyager then you’re going to be sorry you ever opened this workflow. Scroll to the very bottom where there is a task for dealing with gated checkins. Our new task is going to go after this. Drag and If from the toolbox. In the conditional we’re going to check that we had no build failures and that we should run a deploy:

BuildDetail.TestStatus = Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildPhaseStatus.Succeeded And PerformDeploy

Now drop in an invoke process to the Then. In the arguments put

String.Format(“/M:{0} /U:{1} /P:{2} “”-setParam:name=’IIS Web Application Name’,value=’{3}’”” /Y “, DeploymentURL, DeploymentUserName, DeploymentPassword, DeploymentApplicationPath)

File name:

Path.Combine(BuildDetail.DropLocation, DeploymentCommand)

I also dropped a couple of WriteBuildMessage actions on there because that is how I roll. Remember this: the longer the build log the more important your job. Let’s see that junior developer guy who only gets paid half what you do figure this 29Meg log file out.

That is pretty much it, save it, commit it and create a new build definition which uses it. You can either run it on commit or manually. I am running mine manually because I don’t trust our unit tests to prove correctness yet.

*Assuming you have everything configured properly and you’re not relying on black magic or even mauve magic.


Selenium - UI Testing - Part 1

I had a bug to fix earlier this week which was really just a UI bug. The details aren’t all that important but it was something like a field in a popup div wasn’t being properly updated. This felt a lot like something which could use not just a test in the back end to ensure the correct data was being passed back but also a test in the front end to make sure it was being displayed. As our front end is all webby, as most front ends tend to be these days. Years ago I did some work with Mercury QuickTest as it was then called(I believe it is now owned by HP which makes it pure evil, just like HP-UX). I looked at a couple of tools for automating the browser and decided on selenium partially because it appeared to be the most developed and partially because I couldn’t refuse a tool with an atomic mass of 78.96.

This is the part where I warn you that I really have no idea what I’m doing, I’m no selenium expert and I’ll probably change my mind about how to best implement it. I’ll post updates as I change my mind.

I started by installing the selenium IDE and, on another computer, the remote control. The IDE is just a plugin for firefox while the RC is a java based tool which happily runs on windows. I opened up a port for it in the windows firewall”¦ oh who am I kidding I turned the damn thing off.

I recorded a number of actions using the IDE and added a number of verifications(you can add a check by right clicking on an element and selecting one of the verify options in there). I don’t consider these to be unit tests since they tend to cross over multiple pages. What I’m creating are work flow tests or behavioral tests. These could be used as part of BDD in conjunction with a tool such as Cucumber or SpecFlow. As such I don’t really care how long these tests take to run, I don’t envision them being run as part of our continuous integration process but rather as part of hourly builds. If things really get out of hand(and they won’t our application isn’t that big) then the tests can be distributed over a number of machines and even run in the cloud on some Amazon instances.

In the Selenium IDE I exported the test to C# so they could be run in our normal build process. Unfortunately the default export template export nunit tests and our project makes use of the visual studio test suite. There are no technical reasons for not having both testing frameworks but I don’t want to burden the other developers too much with a variety of frameworks. So my job for tomorrow is to explore alternatives to the standard export. I am also not crazy about having to maintain the tests in C#, it requires that a developer be involved in testing changes when it should really be easy enough for a business person to specify the behaviour. I have some ideas about running the transformations from Selenium file format(which is an html table) into C# using either T4 or the transformation code extracted from the IDE running in a server side javascript framework.

I’ll let you know what I come up with. Chances are it will be crazy, because sensible isn’t all that fun.

Useful Blogs

  • Design of Selenium tests for Asp.netA blog with some specific suggestions about how to work with selenium and asp.net. I’m not in 100% agreement with his ideas but I might change my mind later.
  • Adam Goucher’s blog ““ Adam is a hell of a nice guy who has been helping me out with Selenium on the twitter.

Web.config Tranformation Issues

As you all should I am using web.config transformations during the packaging of my ASP.net web applications. Today I was working with a project which didn’t have transformations defined previously so I thought I would go ahead and add them. All went well until I built a deployment package and noticed that my transformations were not being applied. Looking at the build log I found warnings like these

C:\Users\stimms\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\SockPuppet\Web.Debug.config(5,2): Warning : No element in the source document matches '/configuration'  
Not executing SetAttributes (transform line 18, 12)  
Output File: objDebugTransformWebConfigtransformedWeb.config

This started a fun bit of debugging during which I removed everything from the web.config and built it from the ground up. Eventually I traced the problem to a hold over from some previous version of .net, in the Web.config the configuration was defined as

<configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0">

Changing that to just


Solved the problem. I imagine this is some sort of odd XML namespace issue, hopefully if you run into this you’ll find this post and not waste an hour like me.


MySQL in an NServiceBus Handler

I have an autonomous component in my NServiceBus implementation which needs to talk to a MySQL database. When I first implemented the handler I configured the end point to be transactional, mostly because I wasn’t too sure about the difference between configuring AsA_Service and AsA_Client and transactions sounded like they might be something I would like. What the transactional endpoint does is wrap the endpoint in a distributed transaction. A distributed transaction is a mechanism which allows you to share a transaction between a number of databases so that if you’re writing to several databases when you commit to one database and it fails then the transactions in the other databases will rollback.

However when I went to test the handler it failed with an error:

MySql /Net connector does not support distributed transactions

I solved it by configuring the endpoint AsA_Client. The problem with that configuration is that the handler wipes the queue on startup which isn’t ideal. None of the built in configurations are quite right for our situation so we override the configuration as described here: http://www.nservicebus.com/GenericHost.aspx.


Fixing Table Identities

I make heavy use of Red Gate’s excellent SQL Compare tools. I know I’m a bit of a shrill for them but they are time savers when dealing with multiple environments(development, testing, production) which is a pretty common occurrence in any sort of agile development. One flaw in them is that they often mess up the sequences in the destination database. Say you have a table Students with 15 records in it in development and 30 in production then performing a copy often brings along the sequence even if you don’t select syncing that table. This results in duplicate key errors whenever a new record is inserted.

For weeks I have been saying “I should write a script to check and fix that”. Well I finally did it


create PROCEDURE dbo.FixTableIdentities  

 declare @currentKeyValue int  
 declare @currentIdentityValue int  
 declare @toRun nvarchar(500)  
 declare @tableToCheck nvarchar(500)  
 declare @idColumnCount int  
 declare db_cursor cursor for select name from sysobjects where type='U'  

 open db_cursor  
 fetch next from db_cursor into @tableToCheck  

 while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0  
 select @idColumnCount = count(*) from syscolumns where id=object_id(@tableToCheck) and name='id'  
 if(@idColumnCount = 1)  
 select @currentKeyValue = ident_current(@tableToCheck)   
 set @toRun = N'select @currentIdentityValue = max(id) from ' + @tableToCheck;  
 EXEC sp_executesql @toRun, N'@currentIdentityValue int OUTPUT', @currentIdentityValue OUTPUT;  
 if(@currentIdentityValue @currentKeyValue)  
 DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tableToCheck,reseed, @currentIdentityValue)   
 FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor into @tableToCheck  
 CLOSE db_cursor  
 deallocate db_cursor  

When run this procedure will go through all your tables and ensure that the id column is in sync with the sequence. At the moment it just looks at the column called id and manipulates that.