
Best Bug I've Written Today

Today I create a handy little class in my attempt to rewrite wordle. It encapsulated a word and a word count and implemented comparable

1 package com.simontimms.wordle;
3 public class WordCountElement implementsComparable<WordCountElement>{
6 privateint count =0;
7 privateString word;
10 publicWordCountElement(String word,int count)
11 {
12 this.word = word;
13 this.count = count;
14 }
16 publicintcompareTo(WordCountElement toCompare)
17 {
18 return this.count - toCompare.getCount();
20 }
22 publicvoidsetCount(int count) {
23 this.count = count;
24 }
26 publicintgetCount() {
27 return count;
28 }
30 publicvoidsetWord(String word) {
31 this.word = word;
32 }
34 publicStringgetWord() {
35 return word;
36 }
37 }

At another point in my code I created a sorted set out of these WordCountElements

1 publicTreeSet<WordCountElement>getSortedSetOfWordCounts(String textToAnalyze)
2 {
3 HashMap<String, WordCountElement> unsortedSet =getWordCounts(textToAnalyze);
4 TreeSet<WordCountElement> sortedSet =newTreeSet<WordCountElement>();
6 for(String s : unsortedSet.keySet())
7 {
8 sortedSet.add(unsortedSet.get(s));
9 System.out.println(s);
10 }
11 return sortedSet;
12 }

I couldn’t get my unit tests to pass when I had more than one word in the unsortedSet. I ended up debugging it and found that even though I was adding two different words only the first was present in the sorted set. Well select might not be broken but perhaps sorted sets were. Can you see the bug?

That’s right, the custom comparator resulted in two words with equal counts being equal. So select wasn’t broken. Drat.


Tweetdeck on 64bit Ubuntu Llinux

Tweetdeck is a very powerful twitter client which is written in the rather nifty Adobe Air framework. Unfortunately the air platform does not yet have support for 64-bit Linux. I imagine it will come along once flash 10 for 64 bit Linux comes out of beta. There is a rather long tutorial on how to work around the limitations and run it in 32-bit mode on 64-bit linux right here but that isn’t enough to run tweetdeck. You’ll also need to pull down a copy of 32 bit libgnome-keyring to allow it to access your keyring.

wget http://ubuntu.interlegis.gov.br/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gnome-keyring/libgnome-keyring0_2.22.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb
ar x libgnome-keyring0_2.22.2-0ubuntu1_i386.deb data.tar.gz
tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
cp usr/lib/* /usr/lib32/
On a related note it is a shame that the default Air page is so pedestrian. I am filled with no excitement upon visiting it.