
Limit Dependabot to .NET 8

Just last week .NET 9 was realeased to much fanfare. There are a ton of cool and exciting things in it but for my current project I want to stick to a long term support version of .NET which is .NET 8. We might update later but for now 8 is great. Unfortunately dependabot isn’t able to read my mind so it was continually proposing updating to .NET 9 packages.

Fixing this is easy enough. I needed to add a couple of lines to my dependabot file to limit the sorts of updates it did to just minor and patch updates. Notice the update-types section.

  - package-ecosystem: "nuget"
    directory: "/."
          - "minor"
          - "patch"
          - "*"
    open-pull-requests-limit: 50
      interval: "weekly"

With this in place dependabot is only proposing minor and patch updates to my .NET packages. It does mean that if we see other major version updates to non-Microsoft packages we’ll have to manually update them.


RavenDB on Kubernetes

I needed to get Particular Service Control up and running on our k8s cluster this week. Part of that is to get an instance of RavenDB running in the cluster and this actually caused me a bit of trouble. I kept running into problems where RavenDB would start up but then report that it couuld not access the data directory. What was up?

I tried overriding the entry point for the container and attaching to it to see what was going on but I couldn’t see anything wrong. I was able to write to the directory without issue. Eventually I stumbled on a note in the RavenDB documentation which mentioned a change in the 6.x version of RavenDB which meant that Raven no longer ran as root inside the container.

K8S has the ability to change the ownership of the volume to the user that the container is running as. This is done by setting the fsGroup property in the pod spec. In this case Raven runs as UID 999. So I updated my tanka spec to include the fsGroup property and the problem was solved.

deployment: deployment.new($._config.containers.ravendb.name) {
      metadata+: {
        namespace: 'wigglepiggle-' + $._config.environment,
        labels: {
          app: $._config.containers.ravendb.name,
      spec+: {
        replicas: 1,
        selector: {
          matchLabels: $._config.labels,
        template: {
          metadata+: {
            labels: $._config.labels,
          spec+: {
            securityContext: {
              fsGroup: 999,
              fsGroupChangePolicy: 'OnRootMismatch',
            containers: [
                name: $._config.containers.ravendb.name,
                image: $._config.containers.ravendb.image,
                ports: [{ containerPort: 8080 }, { containerPort: 38888 }],
                volumeMounts: [
                    name: 'data',
                    mountPath: '/var/lib/ravendb/data',
                env: [
                    name: 'RAVEN_Setup_Mode',
                    value: 'None',
                    name: 'RAVEN_License_Eula_Accepted',
                    value: 'true',
                    name: 'RAVEN_ARGS',
                    value: '--log-to-console',
                    name: 'RAVEN_Security_UnsecuredAccessAllowed',
                    value: 'PrivateNetwork',
            volumes: [
                name: 'data',
                persistentVolumeClaim: {
                  claimName: $._config.containers.ravendb.name,

This generated yml like

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: service-control-ravendb
  name: service-control-ravendb
  namespace: wigglepiggle-dev
  replicas: 1
      app: service-control
      environment: dev
        app: service-control
        environment: dev
      - env:
        - name: RAVEN_Setup_Mode
          value: None
        - name: RAVEN_License_Eula_Accepted
          value: "true"
        - name: RAVEN_ARGS
          value: --log-to-console
        - name: RAVEN_Security_UnsecuredAccessAllowed
          value: PrivateNetwork
        image: ravendb/ravendb:6.0-latest
        name: service-control-ravendb
        - containerPort: 8080
        - containerPort: 38888
        - mountPath: /var/lib/ravendb/data
          name: data
        fsGroup: 999
        fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch
      - name: data
          claimName: service-control-ravendb

Where is the disk space?

I had a report today from somebody unable to log into our Grafana instance. Super weird because this this has been running fine for months and we haven’t touched it. So I jumped onto the machine to see what was up. First up was just looking at the logs from Grafana.

docker logs -f --tail 10 5efd3ee0074a

There in the logs was the culprit No space left on device. Uh oh, what’s going on here? Sure enough the disk was full.

df -h
Filesystem                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs                              1.6G  1.9M  1.6G   1% /run
/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   96G   93G     0 100% /
tmpfs                              7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/sda2                          2.0G  182M  1.7G  10% /boot
tmpfs                              1.6G   12K  1.6G   1% /run/user/1001

This stuff is always annoying because you get to a point where you can’t run any commands because there is no space left. I started with cleaning up some small parts of docker

docker system prune -a

Then cleaned up docker logs

sudo truncate -s 0 /var/lib/docker/containers/**/*-json.log

This then gave me enough space to run docker system df and see where the space was being used. Containers were the culprit. So next was to run

docker ps --size

Which showed me the web scraper container had gone off the rails and was using over a 100GiB of space.

7cf14084c56a   webscraper:latest       "wsce start -v -y"       7 weeks ago   Up 20 minutes     >9924/tcp, [::]:7002->9924/tcp                                webscraper       123GB (virtual 125GB)

This thing is supposed to be stateless so I just killed an removed it.

docker kill 7cf14084c56a
docker rm 7cf14084c56a
docker compose up -d webscraper

After a few minutes these completed and all was good again. So we’ll keep an eye on that service and perhaps reboot it every few months to keep it in check.


Consuming Github Packages in Yarn

My life is never without adventure but unfortunately it isn’t the living on a beach sort of adventure. No it’s the installing yarn packages. I wanted to have a package installed in my project which was one I’d published from another repository. In this case the package was called @stimms/uicomponents. There were a few tricks to getting Github actions to be able to pull the package: first I needed to create a .yarnrc.yml file. This gives yarn instructions about where it should look for packages.

nodeLinker: node-modules

    npmRegistryServer: "https://npm.pkg.github.com"

    npmAlwaysAuth: true

Now in the build I needed to add a step in to populate the GITHUB_TOKEN which can be used for authentication. I found quite a bit of documentation which suggested that the .yarnrc.yml file would be able to read the environment variable but I had no luck with that approach. Instead I added a step to the build to populate the GITHUB_TOKEN in the .npmrc file.

- name: Configure GitHub Packages Auth
    run: echo "//npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken=${GITHUB_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build
    run: |
    yarn install
    yarn lint
    yarn build

The final thing to remember is that by default the GITHUB_TOKEN here doesn’t have read permission over your packages. You’ll need to go into the package settings and add the repository to the list of repositories which can use the package. You just need read access. If you don’t do this step you’re going to see an error like error Error: https://npm.pkg.github.com/@stimms%2fuicomponents: authentication token not provided


Fast Endpoints Listen Port

In order to set the listening port for Fast Endpoints you can use the same mechanism as a regular ASP.NET application. This invovles setting the Urls setting in the appsettings.json file. My file looks like this:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "Urls": "",
  "AllowedHosts": "*"

Update outdated Nuget packages

If you’re using Visual Studio Code to develop C# applications, you might need to update outdated Nuget packages. You can do that without having to do each one individually on the command line using dotnet outdated

Install it with

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-outdated

Then you can run it in the root of your project to list the packages which will be updated with

dotnet outdated

Then, if you’re happy, run it again with

dotnet outdated -u

to actually get everything updated.


NServiceBus Kata 6 - When things go wrong

So far in this series things have been going pretty well. We’ve looked at sending messages, publishing messages, switching transports, long running processes, and timeouts. But what happens when things go wrong? In this kata we’re going to look at how to handle errors in NServiceBus.

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NServiceBus Kata 5 - Timeouts

In the previous kata we looked at sagas which are a way to coordinate long running processes. In this kata we’re going to look at another tool in the NServiceBus toolbox: timeouts. Timeouts are a way to schedule a message to be sent at some point in the future. This is a powerful tool for building out complex processes.

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NServiceBus Kata 4 - Long Running Processes

We now have a pretty solid way to send messages, publish messages and we’ve got those messages flowing over a reliable transport mechanism. Sending and publishing individual messages only gets us so far. We often need a way to coordinate complex processes which involve multiple services. For this NServiceBus has the concept of sagas which some might call process managers.

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NServiceBus Kata 3 - Switching transports

In the previous article we looked at publishing messages and the one before that sending messages. But in both cases we cheated a little bit: we used the LearningTransport. This is effectively just a directory on disk. It cannot be used as real world transport. Let’s change out this transport for something more production ready.

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